Snow in Somerset

Snow in Somerset

I awoke this morning to a wonderful blanket of white snow. As I opened my curtains the white snow was bright and heavy.
snow in somerset weather
Our candle manufacturing is based on the hills of Somerset. On a glorious sunny day, it's heavenly but if the UK weather predicts snow then this area is hit hard. Luckily I keep a good eye on the weather and make sure there are plenty of supplies and backups.
The snow fell around 7 inches in many areas on the land.
I thought it would be a great idea to use the opportunity to take photos for advertising going forwards. With a pair of fingerless gloves and wrapped up in many layers of clothing, off I went looking for the right backgrounds.
snow in somerset 2Walking around with 2 pairs of socks and wellington boots on what looked like a scene from Narnia in the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe.
snow in somerset 3The trees were heavy with settled snow. With each footstep I took, my wellington boot would sink softly into the fallen snow.
snow in somerset 3
I managed to get a few pictures of the candles before it started snowing heavily again.
I'm hoping to use these in the future. What do you think?
Really wish we could go sleighing if honest but I have many candles to make.
Have fun in the snow!