How To Work From Home Effectively

How To Work From Home Effectively

How to Work from Home Effectively

Are you struggling to work from home? Do you find yourself easily distracted? While you may love the freedom of working from home and not missing the daily commute, staying productive can be challenging. As a business mentor who primarily works from home, I’ve gathered some tried-and-true tips to help you boost your productivity and well-being, especially if you run a craft business or digital business.

tips work from home

Top Tips for Working from Home - How to Work from Home Effectively

These strategies have worked wonders for me and I believe they can do the same for you.

Tip 1: Get Up Early and Get Dressed 

This may sound simple, but it's crucial. The temptation to stay in your pyjamas all day can be strong when you don't have to leave the house. However, getting up early and dressing as if you were going to the office can set a productive tone for the day. Personally, I find that wearing smart but casual clothes helps me feel more professional and motivated, whereas staying in bedclothes makes me feel lazy.

Tip 2: Be Firm with Family and Friends 

One of the biggest challenges of working from home is that others may not take your work seriously. Set clear boundaries with family and friends. Let them know that your work hours are non-negotiable. While it’s important to take breaks, schedule them just as you would in an office setting. Meeting a friend for lunch is great, but make sure it doesn’t extend into the afternoon, causing you to lose precious work time.

Tip 3: Keep Your Workspace Clean and Clutter-Free

A tidy workspace can significantly boost your productivity and mental well-being. My home office is in my kitchen/dining room, and I ensure it’s clean and organized before I start my day. Avoid letting household chores pile up, as a cluttered environment can be a constant source of distraction.

Tip 4: Limit Distractions

Daytime TV shows and social media can be major distractions when working from home. I prefer to work in silence or with some light background music to stay focused. Keep your TV off and put your phone on silent to avoid getting sucked into unnecessary notifications. A quick glance at your phone can easily turn into a 10-minute distraction.

Tip 5: Create a Relaxing, Fragrant Environment

A pleasant scent can make your workspace more enjoyable and help you concentrate. I like to keep my area scented with calming fragrances, which helps me stay relaxed and focused. Scents can have a powerful effect on the brain and improve your work environment significantly.

Whether you're running a craft business, managing a digital business, or just trying to create a productive workspace at home, these tips can help you stay focused and efficient. Working from home offers incredible flexibility, but it requires discipline and structure to be successful.

As a business mentor, I understand the unique challenges of running a business from home. My goal is to help you create a productive work environment that allows your business to thrive.

Did you know we offer a wax melt subscription service? Enhance your home office with our delightful fragrances and make your workspace a haven of productivity and calm.

How to Work from Home Effectively:

For personalised business coaching tailored to your needs, whether you're just starting out or looking to scale your craft or digital business, reach out today. Let’s turn your home workspace into the command centre of a thriving business.